Back to basics…

So what to do now that my wife is couch bound for six weeks? What now that I have been let go from my seasonal work obligations? Back to basics! Walking, letter writing, social networking and getting my Indegogo campaign ready to launch by February. The only issue is motivation. This past week broke up the routine so much that getting it back together seems difficult. It is cold outside. If I am away from Elika for too long my imagination goes nuts and I start to worry. Vaas is still wreaking all sorts of havoc in Far Cry 3 so I should probably hunt him down. Sometimes the hardest part of doing something is just making yourself do it. Let’s test this theory. I am going to hit return and when I start the next paragraph four miles will have gone by for me, yet a mere second will have passed for you. Literary time travel! What a crazy concept.

And I am back, and feel better for it. It is getting out the door that is the hurdle. It is picking up the shattered remains of my routine and building a new one. It is moving forwards towards March 10th while assimilating these new challenges into our lives and I feel I have just made the first step.